A site to explore cities, machines, and people at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.
Data Vis Session 6: Geo-sculptures, Function vs. Aesthetic, Midterm Prep
8:10-8:55(ish): Kevin Miklasz lecture entitled “Function vs. aesthetics in data visualization: some case studies”
8:55-9:20: Work time and feedback from guests
Next Week’s Assignments
Midterm, due next week. A full project brief is here. If it will help you prepare, I can write a walk-through of one of my previous visualization projects (which includes a write-up) that is about the same scope as a midterm or final, depending on your prior technical experience. You can see the project files for this vis, called “Networks in Equity and Sustainability,” at Github.
Make sure your 5 blog posts (not including the midterm) are up by next week. If you owe extra credit for a missed class(es), be sure to expand one of your assignments accordingly. Let me know if you have any questions about this.