D&T 2022 #27 ? Penultimate Session!


  • Writing Center: thank you for your write-ups.
  • Peer Review 2: I’m missing one peer review.
  • Please fill out the Course Evaluation for this class (in Albert). Thank you!
  • Reminder: Wednesday is our final in-person meeting, in 1 Metrotech Center, Room 1930/1931 (Jacobs Seminar Room). A calendar event has been sent out.


  • Due this Wednesday 12/14, at 1:00 PM: Add your slide (with an option 2nd slide) to the final presentation slideshow
  • Due 12/17 or 12/23: Your final paper (see class schedule for details). Please let me know (preferably NOW, so you don’t forget), if you need your grade before the Winter Break.
