D&T #19 ? Unethical Histories


Jail Reform, Safety, & Justice in NYC: Understanding Alternatives to Incarceration
Thursday, November 17, 2022 | 6:30 PM EDT
In-person & Online | RSVP Required for both in-person and online attendance

BOOK TALK | Cars and Jails: Freedom Dreams, Debt and Carcerality
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 | 5:00 PM EDT
In-person & Online | RSVP Required for both in-person online attendance

William C. Stubing Memorial Lecture: Are Robots Racist? Rethinking Automation and Inequity in Healthcare. November 15 @6:30

NYU CGA Course Pop-Up: Foundations in Trauma-Informed Fieldwork. Thu, November 10, 2022, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM EST


  • Peer Review Session & Notes
    • Sample Peer Reviews from 2021
    • Breakouts & Live Editing? You can go with your group into a different Breakout room, or DM each other in the main room.
  • APA chapter
  • Ethical Data Collection: Ethical Data & Unethical Histories


Due November 21: Peer Review 1.

  • At least 20 written comments are required.
    • When you’re reviewing your peer’s paper, please edit in or leave comments.
    • After you write the 20 comments, you can earn extra credit by making bold/italic/underline edits (in SUGGESTION MODE) using the code I used (cultural/hyperbole/research issues).
  • Please focus on Cultural Competencies in your review. Use the Cultural Competency Guide section of the Project Resources post to guide your review. Specifically, use:
  • When you’ve finished your review, download your partner’s Google Doc as a Word file, then send me the Word file. 
  • PLEASE don’t resolve any of your peer reviewer’s comments, or accept/reject any of their suggestions, until they’ve sent me the Word file of their comments.