D&T 2022 #15 ?️? Paper Patterns


No walking tour today. More remote class in November, especially as stress and a potential Covid surge starts to rise. Let me now if you have questions/concerns about this schedule for the coming weeks:

  • This Monday 10/31: Remote. Paper discussions.
  • Weds 11/2: Let’s take a break. Class field trip to Clive Davis Gallery, and Gentrification walking tour.
  • Monday 11/7: Remote. Paper discussions.
  • Weds 11/9: In class. Content TBD depending on need.
  • Mon 11/14: Remote. Disability Zone workshop.
  • Weds 11/16: In class. Content TBD depending on need.

ALSO: Please review the NYU Covid Policy on testing positive or being exposed to Covid.


  • Discuss Paper Patterns. Open your papers! Let’s start fixing some issues!
    • Prison papers: please wait another hour or two after class before removing my suggestions, I need to check my suggestions for consistency.
    • I strongly suggest downloading your paper before removing my suggestions. You can also roll back to this week’s version.
    • If you’re confused, consider discussing my suggestions with your critique partner when they are assigned next week. You can also bring my suggestions to the Writing Center.
  • 1-on-1 stop bys
  • I will leave a long comment in your paper by Friday. I will also respond to your comments.
    • Note that it can take a while to get your paper since, for the sake of equity, I go through each step of review in all papers before proceeding to the next step.
    • If you want a question answered ASAP, be sure to put @arlduc@nyu.edu in the comment.
  • I will also submit grades soon.
    • If you have the required word count (as of Monday) and participated regularly, you will get an A. If not, you’ll get an A- or a B.
    • Reminder that midterm grades don’t go on your transcript.
    • But don’t get too comfortable: most papers need a LOT of work to earn an A.


Part 1: Please make an appointment with the NYU Writing Center.

The appointment should take place in October or November. On Monday, I’ll give you further instructions on how to document your appointment.

Part 2: Full draft due next weekend

In addition to content updates and edits that we will discuss in upcoming classes, start making your paper look final! Be sure to:

  • Add graphics
    • “Methods” schematic
    • “Results” table
  • Add the Table of Contents 
  • Add page numbers
  • Remove your comments and annotations from the Works Cited section. I am no longer reading this section as part of your paper, so either bring your annotations into the paper or remove them.
  • Make sure everything in Works Cited is cited in your paper.
    • I expect that you will continue to add works to your Works Cited list to support your assertions.
  • Font: 12-pt Times New Roman, double-spaced
  • If you still have outlines or lists in your text, turn everything into a sentence or paragraph.