D&T 2022 #9: Research Tutorials, Aging, & High Steel ?️??? ?️???


  • TODAY’s Mohawk Walk: In the second half of class, let’s either take a walk or watch some movies in advance of Indigenous Peoples Day.
  • Note: next week, class is on Tuesday & Wednesday, since 10/10 is Indigenous Peoples Day & other things.
  • Manhattan Field Trip next Wednesday. I need a few volunteers (worth a 200-word make-up assignment):
    • to help late arriving students (you would need to share your contact info with the class)
    • to hold iPad camera during the talk from 3:00-3:50
    • ALSO: everyone should wear masks!!! We will be in the studio of an 84-year-old.
    • Please email me if you’re interested.
Building Construction on WhatsApp


  • Follow-up on 1-on-1s
    • Last 1-on-1s: at 3:45
    • Important reminder as you develop your research, from Surviving R. Kelly: “You can victimize people when you de-humanize them.” (30 secs) It’s important to minimize assumptions, find actual evidence, and avoid hyperbole! Not only can this dehumanize the groups you’re writing about, it’s also poor scholarship.
    • D&T Orgs & Articles that came to mind during 1-on-1s. I will add links later today.
    • Need more time to chat? Schedule a few minutes before or after class (aka office hours)!
  • Google Docs Quick Tutorials:
    • Add page numbers
    • Add a table of contents
    • Add page breaks
    • Add URLS
    • Note that word counts are recommendations only. You can have slightly longer/shorter sections as long as your first full draft of writing adds up to about 4000 words. 
  • Start to think about making your title more specific.
    • Is it a systematic review? Or more of a narrative/critical/traditional review?
  • Please be sure to address in your papers:
    • What’s the geography/language?
    • Are there any other demographic specifics? If so, specify them!
    • What’s the marginalized/justice aspect?
    • Do your best to cite any assertions!!!
    • Note that “scholarly” articles must be peer-reviewed.
  • For everyone: This paper is a good example of a NON-systemic lit review. I would say it’s a critical/thematic review. If you paper does not have a quantitative analytic component, take a look at this paper as a possible model.
  • These papers papers are good examples of systematic lit reviews.

NYU Aging Incubator

  • Brief visit from Larissa Szilagyi, Program Administrator. Our Manhattan field trip next Wednesday will continue the discussion, focusing on “Aging and Creativity.”
    Would it be useful to access a talk from the co-director of the Aging Incubator?

Mohawk Walk!

Cityscape at Dusk on Google Noto Color Emoji 15.0

Assignment: Next 300 words

  • You know what to do. Please be ready for spot checks on TUESDAY.