A site to explore cities, machines, and people at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.
D&T 2022 #6: Starting Your Project ??
Announcements / Administrivia
Poll: Field Trip to Van Alen Institute? This would be a 25-minute walk, further south along the Gowanus Canal, in late October.
Feel free to use any of the walking tours as the basis of a research paper (e.g. on urban or infrastructure technology). Contact me if you have questions.
This Wednesday, 9/28: class in person. One of our guest speakers will visit the classroom for more discussion on TGTIAB.
Assignment: 300 more words!
If you haven’t already, build that bibliography! I’ll expect to see at least 10 scholarly sources for the full draft.
Start drafting your Intro/Background and Problem/Significance. If you feel stumped, just list out bullet points.
Be sure to address diversity by CLEARLY defining the marginalized populations, identities, and demographics you’re researching. Go back to the diversity style guides we’ve studied–and let them guide you!
Be sure to address technology by describing the technologies you’re researching as specifically as you can.
For example, “TikTok” is more specific than “Social Media,” which is more specific than the “Internet.”
Another example: “Deep Learning Applications for Autonomous Vehicles” is more specific than “Deep Learning,” which is more specific than “AI.”
You should have 600 original words (total) in your doc by Thursday.