D&T 2022 #4: Get Ready!


  • Please fill out D&T Intake Form (NYU sign-in required) if you haven’t already. Thanks so much.
  • Upcoming dates to note:
    • Wednesday, 9/21: Your research writing will begin! I’ll create a Google doc for each person in class, and add links to article templates. This will be the doc you work in for the rest of the semester.
    • Next Monday, 9/26: class will be on Zoom (Prof will be in Baltimore for work). A Zoom link will go out by Sunday 9/25.
    • Wednesday, 10/5: Manhattan Field Trip
    • Wednesday 10/19: Brooklyn Borough Hall field trip
  • Because I’m receiving an unusually high number of absence and lateness emails, I created a standard response for absences/latenesses. Please take note.
  • Interesting D&T-related visualizations: https://pudding.cool


Assignment, due 9/21

Last assignment without a major writing requirement! Starting on Wednesday, you’ll be required to write at a pace of about 300 words per class.