D&T 2022 #3️⃣: More Basics ???  


  • Please fill out D&T Intake Form (NYU sign-in required)
  • Classes @ NYU Library
  • Note updates to Project Resources
  • Syllabus: Last chance for questions before Add/Drop ends.
    • Reminder about health matters and attendance communication:
      • For HEALTH ISSUES ONLY, remember to contact me by or before 11am the day of class. 11:05am is late.
        • As a courtesy, please contact the NYU Student Health Center or NYU Tandon Student Affairs (Deanna Rayment) so they can send all your professors an excuse note. I expect you to contact them if you must miss more than 1 class.
      • For NON-HEALTH ISSUES, you must let me know further in advance. Please refer to the syllabus for the policy.
        • If you’re having structural issues attending class in-person in accordance with the syllabus policy, I will refer you to Tandon Student Affairs for further support.
      • Last minute communication is stressful for me, which then impacts the quality of class for everyone. Please communicate clearly and in advance.
        • I may periodically change the class Zoom link, to discourage last minute communication.


Deciduous Tree on Apple iOS 14.6

Assignment, due 9/19

Optional: Write 300+ words about what you read… Writing intensives begin in about 1 week!