NYU D&T #25 ? VPL Mini Make-a-Thon ?️


  • Zoom check – reminder on ID pics
  • Class evaluation
  • I ? nominating D&T students
    • TCS Writing Awards – I’ll remind you to opt-in at the top of your final paper.
    • Nominations for MLK / Patricia M. Carey Changemaker Award. If you’re interested, please email me with some info relevant to the award (a resume, paragraph, or website about your community leadership, etc).
  • From NYU Poly Archives:
    • If students want to learn more about items related to MetroTech, or the Poly Archives, or archives (local, digital) in general, they can email polyarchives@nyu.edu (cc’ed).  That email goes to Lindsay Anderberg, Mandy (who also helped with the tour), and Aileen.  We’re happy to help students find primary sources and use them in their research.
    • A bit more info here:  https://guides.nyu.edu/poly-archives


  • Mini Make-A-Thon with Verbatim Performance Lab. The project brief is here.
    • Please let me know if you have to leave right at 3:50.
    • I won’t record the session, but VPL and I would like to use images from the winning presentations to promote a larger Make-A-Thon in the spring. We will ask the winners for permission to do this.
    • While you work, I will make all attendees co-hosts so you can share your screen.
  • The judging panel will arrive at 2:40, and judging will begin at 2:45.


  • Peer Review 2 is due on December 7. Please remember to
    • Use the checklist.
    • Download the DOCX file of the doc you reviewed and send it to me when you finish.