NYU D&T #16 ?More Research Tips ? More on Ethical Data Collection


  • Tech check
  • Seating check
  • Giveaways are taking a break today.

Interesting Events/Orgs/Opps

For folks researching human trafficking + tech: a few new links in the Resources doc.

Mountain on Apple iOS 14.6


  • Updates on D&T Calendar
  • Fishbowl discussions? Prof D Speed edits? Note that you might need to DJ the main room.
  • Paper check-ins: 
    • Reminder: Tandon Writing Center. If you don’t have time for an in-person session, you can schedule an ONLINE session with a writing center consultant! Consider doing this some time in November, especially if you’re receiving paper comments that are stumping you. I guarantee it will improve your paper and your grade.
  • Any questions on tables and images in APA 7 style? Here’s an even clearer page on tables from the APA Style web site! And I added the APA Style site to the class Project Resources page.
Volcano on Apple iOS 14.6


On Tuesday 11/2: Meet in Manhattan by 2:30!

  • You can go to Bobst with me from 6 Metrotech on the 1:55 NYU shuttle (arrive to 715 Broadway at 2:17). You can do your participation check-in during the ride.
  • If you can’t get the 1:55 shuttle, please go on your own, but be sure to arrive to Data Services, Bobst 5th Floor, for the 2:30 tour.
  • We will also take a tour of Avery Fisher Center hip-hop exhibit “Sylvia Sylvia.” This will end at 3:30, so you have time to get to your next class and/or do your participation check-in.

Full Draft due 11/4

In addition to content updates and edits that we will discuss in upcoming classes, start making your paper look final! Be sure to:

  • Add graphics
    • “Methods” schematic
    • “Results” table
  • Add the Table of Contents 
  • Add page numbers
  • Remove your comments and annotations from the Works Cited section. I am no longer reading this section as part of your paper, so either bring your annotations into the paper or remove them.
  • Make sure everything in Works Cited is cited in your paper.
    • I expect that you will continue to add works to your Works Cited list to support your assertions.
  • Font: 12-pt Times New Roman, double-spaced
  • If you still have outlines or lists in your text, turn everything into a sentence or paragraph.