NYU D&T #15 ?️? Tables/Images ?? More on Ethical Data Collection


Interesting Events/Orgs/Opps

Coming soon: a few more resources on human trafficking + tech.

Falafel on Apple iOS 14.6


  • Good job on midterm checkpoint.
    • This week: I’ll leave comments.
    • Next week: Full draft due, and I’ll assign Round 1 peer review partners.
    • If my comments stump you, please visit the Tandon Writing Center for help.
Tamale on Apple iOS 14.6


Please read the APA Manual 7th Edition, Chapter 5 on “Biased Language.” We will discuss on Thursday.

Full Draft due next week

In addition to content updates and edits that we will discuss in upcoming classes, start making your paper look final! Be sure to:

  • Add graphics
    • “Methods” schematic
    • “Results” table
  • Add the Table of Contents
  • Add page numbers
  • Remove your comments and annotations from the Works Cited section. I am no longer reading this section as part of your paper, so either bring your annotations into the paper or remove them.
  • Make sure everything in Works Cited is cited in your paper.
    • I expect that you will continue to add works to your Works Cited list to support your assertions.
  • Font: 12-pt Times New Roman, double-spaced
  • If you still have outlines or lists in your text, turn everything into a sentence or paragraph.