- Tech check (classroom tech and Zoom)
- Seating check
- Last day to fill out D&T Intake Form. Thanks to everyone who’s filled it out so far.
- Thanks for your insights on the readings so far.
- Giveaways!
- Note General Resources: NYU Libraries Research Guides, Purdue OWL(Online Writing Lab), Research Design (Sage Publications, can be opened through NYU Libraries), Cal State Diversity/Inclusivity Style Guide, DEI Style Guide. Dart Guide for Trauma-Informed Journalism. Protected Classes and Identities
Agenda: Hour 1
- Quick Review: What is the Underground Railroad?
- Not to be confused with the award-winning novel and limited series
- More on 227 Duffield Street
- Quick Review: What is human trafficking?
- UN definition:
- US DHS definition:
- US DOJ definition:
- From what I understand, the physical human body is always part of the crime of human trafficking, though digital technologies are a growing part trafficking networks.
- Plug Wars: Game design research
- Plug Wars game web site
- Some topic ideas:
- Mixed Reality Metaverses and Marginalized Communities
- Business Metaverses and Marginalized Communities
- Game Frameworks and Justice-Impacted Communities: Performance and Substance
- This might be a useful book: State of Play: Laws, Games and Virtual Worlds
- Templates
- <Independent Variable> and <Dependent Variable>: <Topic of Study>
- CHOOSE THE TEMPLATE YOU WANT and paste it in your doc. If you’re working on your own topic, please modify the template to reflect your topic. This will help me gauge what kinds of resources I should prepare for upcoming classes.
- Quick Tutorials:
- Add page numbers
- Add a table of contents
- Add page breaks
- Add URLS
- Note that word counts are recommendations only. You can have slightly longer/shorter sections as long as your first full draft of writing adds up to about 4000 words. (My template doesn’t count.)
- If you need more help, consider reviewing the Research Paper Decision Chart from Session 2.
???????. If we have time (otherwise, will discuss next week):
- More on NYU Research Guides
- NYU Citation Style Guide
- EasyBib for Google Docs
- NYU Citation Style Guide
- NYU: Encyclopedia use
- NYU: Advanced Google References and Resources
- NYU: Accessing E-Resources Off Campus (has the proxy URL and bookmarklet)
- Other useful tips: PEN America’s Guide on COVID-19 and Disinformation
Agenda: Hour 2
- Thanks for your patience with the Outside Experiments.
- Today, let’s decide together where to hang out.
- In randomly assigned groups of two, discuss the following, then stop by my station and chat about one of the points for your participation grade. If there’s a line behind you, please keep your comments brief. Participation tracking starts today!
- Discuss: Protected groups (Wikipedia). How is this similar/different from Protected Classes?
- In which identity/class/group does your conversation partner hold the most privilege? The least privilege? Are either of these their salient social identity?
- Chat about your projects. Any questions or concerns?
Assignment: Simple Annotated Bibliography
- Work on your document’s Works Cited list (bibliography) by
- Researching and listing 10+ scholarly sources. You might not keep all these sources.
- For each source, write about 30 words (e.g. 2-3 sentences) for each source, explaining why the source is relevant to your project.