NYU D&T #3️⃣: More Basics ???



  • Syllabus: We will do a final review of the syllabus next week. If you’re new and haven’t read the syllabus, please do so. This class requires a lot of writing! 
  • Session 2 Review
Deciduous Tree on Apple iOS 14.6
  • 3pm (Outside-ish): Discussion of the reading.
    • Cal State University’s Diversity / Inclusivity Style Guide. It has inspired other university DEI guides, including one at University of Iowa. 
    • Read Study.com’s DEI Style Guide.
    • Of these style guides, which pieces were the most useful and relevant for your work? Are there any parts that struck you as irrelevant or inappropriate? 
    • There’s a whole DEI Style Book, originally from SFSU, at https://www.diversitystyleguide.com


Be prepared to discuss on Tuesday. You will also be expected to be aware of this style guide for your research paper. HIGHLY recommended exercise: write 300+ words about what you read. Starting in Week 3, you’ll be required to write at a pace of about 300 words per class.