NYU D&T #2️⃣: Basics ???‍? ???‍????‍??



  • Syllabus. Review and more detail on areas I glossed over last week. Any questions?
Memo on Twitter Twemoji 13.1
Fire on Skype Emoticons 1.2
Woman Detective: Medium-Dark Skin Tone on WhatsApp
  • 3pm (Outside): Discussion of the reading.
    • Definition: What is a Salient Social Identity?
    • For your participation grade today, please pair with a classmate you don’t already know and walk to the steps of the Wunsch Building, where we will reconvene. With your partners, please discuss what resonated with you from last week’s readings on Diversity, Technology, and Protected Identities. What is your partner’s salient social identity (SSI)? In front of Wunsch Building, I’ll ask you to summarize your partner’s insights.


Be prepared to discuss on Thursday. You will also be expected to adhere to these style guides in your research paper. And an optional, but recommended exercise: try to write 300+ words about what you read, to start building those writing muscles for Week 3!

  • Read Cal State University’s Diversity/Inclusivity Style Guide. It has inspired other university DEI guides, including one at University of Iowa.
  • Read Study.com’s DEI Style Guide.
  • Of these style guides, which pieces were the most useful and relevant for your work? Are there any parts that struck you as irrelevant or inappropriate?
  • If you get really interested, there’s a whole DEI Style Book, originally from SFSU, at https://www.diversitystyleguide.com