3DVE #1 ?? Syllabus, Software, Intros, Q&As, Maya project and navigation


  • Welcome! If you find yourself waiting:
    • Please start filling the 3DVE Intake Form. As we discuss the syllabus and the course, you are welcome to edit this form.
    • Please start making sure you have the required software discussed in the syllabus, including Maya and a 3-button mouse, Unity, Adobe CC, and a decent text editor. See the syllabus for more details.


  • Site Navigation for senseandscale.info
  • Syllabus & Software
  • Intros (including Prof D)
  • Q&As
  • What makes a good virtual environment? (Smithsonian example)
  • 3D coordinates
  • Maya project and navigation


  • Install Maya. Email me if you have any issues.
    • Though we won’t work with Unity until later, you might want to install it now to be prepared. You might also want to install the other software mentioned in the syllabus.
  • If you’re new or rusty with Maya, go through the First Time Tutorial.
  • Make sure you can understand these sections, including the subtopics:
  • Please quickly skim Chapter 2 of Designing Virtual Worlds, and then go back and fully read at least 1 of the subsections (Development, Architecture, Theory/Practice).
    • Be prepared to discuss: What was most interesting in this reading? Did you come away with questions? Are there passages you disagree with?

Extra Credit (to discuss)

  • Semester-long extra credit: consider integrating Hunter’s community read Sister Outsider into your work this semester. Hunter will be offering cash prizes for outstanding student work that integrates themes from this book. If there’s enough interest, I’ll integrate it into this semester’s discussions and determine an extra credit structure.