Announcements: Class
- Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks.
- NEW: Speaker Calendar (in-progress), more organized Extra Credit page
- Midterm Project Brief: will be posted by tomorrow 10/2, discussed/adjusted next week, due on 10/20.
- November 19: class will be at the National Black Writers’ Conference. Unless it’s not okay with you, I’ll share your email so they can send you an attendance link. Let me know by tomorrow if you have questions/concerns.
- Thank you for keeping me informed of your situation ahead of time.
- Heaviness Breaks; Systemic ISMs (oppression)
- Resource of the day
- Student Blog Spot Talk (chosen at random)
- Medical Tech
- Deep Dive Sites. Any vulnerable populations covered? Author biases, your opinions?
- Reproductive Control. Feel free to take a heaviness break whenever needed.
- Medical Apartheid, Chapter 8. What is a “Mississippi Apendectomy?”
- Democracy Now!: Whistleblower Nurse in ICE Jail
- Letter sent to Congress
-, Whistleblower from Chapter 7 of Medical Apartheid
- Private prison: LaSalle Corrections
- Dr. Mahendra Amin, Nurse Eunice Rivers
- Due Tuesday 10/6 :
- If you haven’t already, please add a clip to Medical Bias Clips. Feel free to use other media, e.g. video game trailers, commercials, etc. It should be easy…
- Phase 1, Blog Post #9: Please reflect on the relationships between:
- the “Mississippi Appendectomy” of the 1950s (see Medical Apartheid, Chapter 8) and
- the topics discussed in Democracy Now!: Whistleblower Nurse in ICE Jail.
- Required Reading: Please one of the following place-oriented chapters from Diversity and Design. These are shorter (and less heavy) chapters than previous reading assignments, so please do this BY TUESDAY since we will use the reading in class.
- Chapter 1: Designing the Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Memorial and National Museum of African American History and Culture
- Chapter 2: Univ. of Virginia’s Shadow Catcher memorial and the university’s role in the slave trade of the antebellum South
- Chapter 3: “Landscape Stories” as a means to recover the lost histories of ethnic groups in the United States.
- Chapter 4: Shifting Spatial and Social Patterns in Shanghai Shikumen Architecture of China
- Chapter 5: Architects at War: Designing Prison Cities for Japanese American Communities (including the editor’s intro)
- Chapter 9: Designing LGBT Senior Housing: Triangle Square, Carefree Boulevard, and BOOM
Announcements + Extra Credit
- Events:
- Today: Antigone in Ferguson (play + discussion of racialized police violence)
- 10/1 to 10/2: NYU Voting and Representation Forum with Stacey Abrams
- 10/8: The Future of Clinical Trials (STAT)
- 10/14: Documentary: Created by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, “Ghost Tape #10” was one of many audio tapes engineered to psychologically intimidate and demoralize the North Vietnamese Army through its depiction of the Buddhist afterlife.
- Write a post about the event above or any of the following:
- Ending the Hyde Amendment Would Help Stanch Healthcare Oppression for Women of Color [Op-Ed] (Colorlines)
- Watch the companion segment to the ICE Whistleblower piece we watched today, “Belly of the Beast”: Survivors of Forced Sterilizations in California’s Prisons Fight for Justice. Other segments related to this episode are listed in the Extra Credit opportunities Google doc.
- Job: NYC Director for S.O.U.L. Sisters Leadership Collective (SSLC) mobilizes systems-involved girls and non-binary youth of color – black, brown, and indigenous – to interrupt cycles of state violence, poverty, and oppression.