NYU D&T Session #8: More Medical Tech ?⚕️?

Announcements: Class



  • Due Thursday 10/1 :
    • Phase 1, Blog Post #8: 
      • Watch Part II of the Democracy Now interview on inequities on COVID-related medical topics. (And re-watch Part I if you need to.) Why do you think Harriet Washington argues that the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is not an appropriate parallel for the current COVID vaccine trials? What does Kaushik Sunder Rajan mean by the term “shell game?”
      • Examine one of the “Deep Dive” sites you didn’t already examine in class. Discuss its D&T issues, including SSIs.
    • Required Reading (if you need more time): Read or listen to Chapter 8 of Medical Apartheid. See Session 7’s assignment section for access info.

Announcements + Extra Credit
