NYU D&T Session #2: Identities ?, Literacies ?, Blogs ?



  • Slideshow of the Day: Intros, Agreements, SSIs, Literacy
    • Salient Social Identity (SSI) Breakout
    • Agreement Discussion
    • Literacy Breakout
  • Blog Technology & Diversity Issues
    • What are blogs?
    • Web Hosting @ NYU: “Take ownership of the content you put on the web and your professional portfolio.”
    • wp.nyu.edu tutorial
      • What is WordPress? Who made it? Why? When? Where?
      • wp.nyu.edu
  • If we have time:


  • Due Thursday 9/10:
    • Create a blog for this course (or a new category for this course, if you already have a blog). Please email the link to arlduc [at] nyu.edu. Please get me the link this week to avoid point penalties for late links.
    • Phase 1, Blog Post #1: Once you set up your blog, write a brief post in which you introduce yourself. Please also discuss briefly:
      • Your SSI(s) and technology background
      • SSI(s) and technologies you want to learn more about
      • Which blog platform or service you’re using, why you’re using it, and who’s behind the technology.
  • Extra Credit Options: Write a post about

Thanks for your participation. Poll Results from September 3: