NYU D&T Session #1: Intros + Syllabus ?


  • Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks in advance.
  • Ice Breaker: Emoji Cloud
    • Open the link above.
    • Paste in up to 10 emojis that represent you right now.
    • If you need to browse emojis, go to Emojipedia.org, select an emoji, and navigate to the part where you can copy the emoji:
  • Once you’ve done that, please read the Syllabus, which is the main topic of today’s session.


  • Word Cloud
  • Breakout: Intros + Syllabus Q&A
    • Introduce yourself to your breakout partner.
    • Into the Zoom chat, type a brief intro (2-3 sentences) about your breakout partner (NOT yourself).
    • Discuss any questions you have about the Syllabus.
    • Type your questions into the relevant section of this doc.
  • Intros + Syllabus Q&A
  • Communication Tech For Class: videoconferencing and blogs
  • Intake Survey
  • Topics we will discuss next time:
    • Salient Social Identities
    • Codes of Conduct
    • Keywords
  • If we have time: Book of the Day, Site of the Day, Soul of Reason


  • Due Tuesday 9/8:
  • Due Thursday 9/10:
    • Create a blog for this course (or a new category for this course, if you already have a blog). You can use any service you like, e.g. NYU WordPress, Tumblr, Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, etc. Next Tuesday, we will go over setting up a blog in NYU WordPress.
    • Phase 1, Blog Post #1: Once you set up your blog, write a brief post in which you introduce yourself. Please also discuss briefly:
      • Your SSI(s) and technology background
      • SSI(s) and technologies you want to learn more about