NYU D&T 2020 Session #28: FINAL CLASS! ??????


  • Pass/Fail: Will be an option for all your classes until May 12.
    • For Tandon classes, the Pass/Fail form is here.
    • All Tandon COVID-related announcements are here.
    • I would also recommend reviewing any Pass/Fail conversions with your advisor to make sure they are being submitted correctly.
  • Note: Unless you prefer otherwise, I will give you a letter grade in Albert. If you’d like me to submit a P/F grade for you, please click here to let me know via email.
  • I generally don’t send out gradesheets at the end of the semester, but if you’d like to receive yours, please click here to let me know via email.
  • My request for today: Please be present, participate, and be ready to turn your camera on for a bit to support your classmates and say good-bye. Thanks in advance!


  • 2:00 Arrivals and Evaluations
  • 2:05 Review of Final Requirements
  • 2:14 Moment of Silence
  • 2:15 Final Presentations
  • If Time Allows: bonus discussion on prison, policing, and political tech
  • 3:34 A Final Note from Prof D
  • 3:35 Time to complete your final evaluations

Final Requirements

  • Due on Thursday 5/7 (TODAY): post your FINAL PROJECT.
    • Be sure to post the MAIN DELIVERABLE (essay, flowchart, or story) AND the BIBLIOGRAPHY.
    • Be sure to post a VIDEO on Thursday or PRESENT live in class. Class will not be recorded.
    • Also please be sure to review the gradesheet for your project option (essay, flowchart, or story).
  • Due on Tuesday 5/12:
    • All Blog Assignments. The final blog assignment about today’s guest speakers (blog post #13) will be posted to the Blog Assignments page by 6pm today. Please be sure to clearly number and title your posts.
    • Any Final Project Revisions.
    • Any Midterm Revisions.
      • Please put any new midterm revisions in a new blog post and label it “Midterm Revision.”

Extra Credit

Announcements (External)