NYU D&T 2020 Session #26: ✨SHIMMER✨ Story-Making Workshop


  • Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks in advance.
  • The Final Project Requirements are now updated with more details on the story-making option.
  • Review the assignments for today:


  • 2:00: Arrivals and Announcements
  • 2:10: Story-Making Workshop by Rex Hurwitz and Prof D
    • The slides reference this blog post in which Princess Mononoke is a case study for a particular story-making technique.
    • For the story-making exercise, you can express your story however you’d like. Some options include
      • Written narrative (prose, essay, poem, etc.)
      • Outline
      • Drawing 
      • Cut Paper shapes
      • Origami
      • A series of icons, e.g. from the Noun Project (we discussed the Noun Project in Session #18)
      • A selfie video
      • Other kinds of videos/animations (e.g. using household objects to act out your idea)
      • Animated GIFs
      • Using features of your favorite social media platform (e.g. TikTok video, Instagram stories, etc)
      • A moodboard
      • Generative software
      • A playacting chat between fictional characters (in the model of “An AI Comes Out”)

Assignment (Required)

  • REQUIRED Phase 2, Blog Post #12: Please post what you made in today’s workshop. It doesn’t have to be finished. If you plan to continue working on your story for the final project, PLEASE EMAIL ME (preferably now) and let me know your general plans. I will update the Final Project Requirements based on your plans.
  • Next week is our final week of class. If you aren’t up to date on all the Phase 2 blog post assignments, I strongly suggest that you catch up this weekend, so then you’ll have time to make a great final project.