NYU D&T 2020 Session #23: NYU Prison Education


  • Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks in advance.
  • Poll: Accessing zoom recordings
  • Course Evaluations are now open. I’ll allot 15 minutes for this in an upcoming session.
  • The preliminary Final Project Requirements are now posted. I’m taking your feedback for the next week, and we will also discuss them in class hopefully on Tuesday. I will finalize this post next Thursday after class.



  • REQUIRED Phase 2, Blog Post #9: Please discuss today’s discussion from Raechel Bosch and Jerry Leverette from the NYU Prison Eduation Program. How do you think technology is used for positive and negative ends within the prison system?
    In addition to watching/listening to today’s lecture, you may want to review the assignment links (After Now and Democracy Now), as well as this article shared during the discussion: Rikers in Crisis: Interview with Jose Diaz (PEP alum who was arrested and sent to Rikers during the COVID crisis).

Extra Credit

  1. Option 1: Attend and blog about the NYU “Ability Exchange” Watch Party next Monday afternoon. The Ability Exchange is a documentary film about an innovative disability studies course (Disability Studies: CAM 2204) at NYU Tandon where students and self-advocates with cerebral palsy team up to make movies.
  2. Option 2: Play at least 7 rounds of “Guess the Candidate” from the NYU Verbatim Performance Lab. Discuss the results on your blog. How does this game touch upon both diversity and technology issues?