NYU D&T 2020 Session #22: Poverty Policy & Research, Prison Comms Tech


  • Please remind me to press “RECORD” if needed. Thanks in advance.
  • Poll: Accessing zoom recordings
  • Course Evaluation now Open
  • The preliminary Final Project Requirements are now posted. I’m taking your feedback for the next week, and we will also discuss them in class hopefully on Tuesday. I will finalize this post next Thursday after class.



  • REQUIRED Phase 2, Blog Post #8: Please discuss today’s guest lectures. Where do you think their work overlaps? Additional questions to consider:
    • Dr. Michael Lindsey (McSilver Institute): How would you characterize McSilver’s approach to poverty? Where might technology come into play?
    • Uzoma Orchingwa (Ameelio): How does Ameelio use a mix of high tech and low tech to serve vulnerable populations? Considering that incarcerated female and male populations are kept separate, how might they be served differently by Ameelio?
  • Reading/Viewing:
    • Please watch After Now (26 minutes), a 2017 documentary about alumni of the NYU Prison Education Program.
    • Watch (start at 37:00) or listen or read this recent interview on Democracy Now featuring PEP alum Jose Diaz (about .15 min).
    • Peruse other short videos on the NYU Prison Education Program (PEP) media page.

Extra Credit

Listen to and blog about an episode of McSilver Institute’s Podcast, called Black Boys and Men: Changing the Narrative. The podcast is available on  Google PlayApple PodcastsSoundCloud.