NYU D&T 2020 Session #21: LGBT+ Inclusion in Tech and Business, Ethically Tracking/Measuring Vulnerable Populations


  • If I forget to start recording when a guest speaker begins, please remind me to press “RECORD!” Thanks in advance.
  • The TCS department is asking students to fill out this survey on asynchronous learning options for future semesters: https://nyu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jmCuZC2cEavqjX
  • Guest speakers from Session 18 (Multi-sensory reading) have sent a few more links from their talks; see the Agenda on Session 18’s page.
  • I will publish the final project brief in the coming days. Considering the current situation, the final project requirements will likely be a bit simpler than the midterm. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to add them to the class suggestion form.



  • REQUIRED Phase 2, Blog Post #7: Reflect on the experiences and insights shared by Yvonne Muthoni, Lander Bosch, and Joshua Ogure. Suggested questions to address in your post:
    • Yvonne Muthoni’s work: What are some of the issues that Open for Business highlights for LGBTQ+ workers, particularly in African countries? How does Open for Business work with tech companies? What is “pinkwashing?” (Refer to the reading above for more information.)
    • Lander Bosch: How do different environmental factors affect child wellbeing? What are some of the factors and metrics that are used to measure child wellbeing in the built environment? What kinds of technologies does Lander use to research this issue?
    • Joshua Ogure: How do technology, cultural competence, and local trust mix in Josh’s work? Why is it important to map slums? Why is it important for slum community members to take the lead in this kind of work?

Extra Credit

  • Blog Post: In 20 minutes of overtime in today’s course, I gave a short presentation of basic data analysis from my collaboration with Lander and Joshua (a study organized by UN-Habitat). Discuss the use of biometric data to understand vulnerable populations like schoolchildren in Kibera slum. By using Human Subjects protocols and Informed Consent/Assent processes, we did our best to respect the privacy and humanity of participants, but is there anything we missed? Anything we can do better?