A site to explore cities, machines, and people at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.
NYU D&T 2020 Session #16: NYU Aging Incubator
Today’s session will be recorded (now required by Tandon administration).
If you have any suggestions for the second half of D&T class, you are welcome to share them through this form. I’ve updated the form to reflect NYU-wide changes since March 12. Thank you!
3:30: Check-ins, including Maggie’s midterm presentation
The required blog assignment from Tuesday has been modified and should be labeled Phase 2, Post #1 (or whatever fits in with the naming scheme you use).
REQUIRED Phase 2, Blog Post #2: Dr. Chodosh presented many aspects of the NYU Aging Incubator today (see the slideshow here), including some of the points below. Did any particular points stand out to you? Are there are any particular points on which you’re interested to contribute, particularly as a Tandon STEM student?
Innovators in Aging Award
Conferences, Fellows, Brown Bag lunch series
NYSDOH Buddy Program (pairs NYU Students with people in the early stages of Alzheimers)