A site to explore cities, machines, and people at varying senses and scales. Updated by Ar Ducao, with content from classes at NYU, MIT, CUNY and more.
NYU D&T Session #14: Midterm Presentations
Please be prepared to use Zoom for today’s class.
The link to download Zoom is https://nyu.zoom.us/download. Please make sure you have downloaded Zoom before class!
I won’t record today so as to be consistent with Tuesday’s presentations, but I would like to record guest speaker sessions.
If you have a Google Doc or Google Slideshow link in your midterm post, please CHECK NOW to make sure that it can be accessed from the lectern computer. It should not lead to the “You Need Permission” page when I click the link.
I will start grading on Monday, so you have until then to continue refining your midterm, doing extra credit, and preparing your blog for evaluation.
You can continue to refine your work and do extra credit after Monday, but depending on the timing, I might not evaluate your post-Monday work until I’m grading your final projects.
Reading, due March 24: Please read The Economic Case for LGBT+ Inclusion in Kenya by the research group Open For Business. Play special attention to page 29, “How Inclusion Can Fuel Kenya’s Creative and Tech Startup Economies.” We will discuss this report with a guest speaker on March 24.
Extra credit: Also take a quick at Open For Business’s global reports and jot down discussion notes as a blog post.