NYU D&T 2020 #12: Midterm Prep, Check-Ins and Follow-Ups


  • Midterm Sample Gradesheet is now available.
  • Due to the coronavirus outbreak, NYU has asked its faculty and students to be prepared for the possibility of remote classes, in the case that the Department of Health closes schools in New York. NYU uses Zoom for meetings and webinars.
  • Ameelio, which will be the topic of an upcoming guest speaker, seeks student developers. Ameelio is developing the first-ever free prison communication platform that will challenge the dominance of private prison telecommunications companies. Learn more here: www.ameelio.org.


  • Midterm 1-on-1s and work time
  • Keywords Scribe
  • Andreas Presentation
  • Plutopia Recap: Political Technologies and Diversity Issues. Feedback?
    • Plutopia is now on the course books list, so feel free to use it as your course reserve book for your midterm. The book is available online through NYU Libraries.
  • Google ML/Algorithms Recap. Did Google adequately address the issues raised by Umoja Safiya in Algorithms of Oppression?
  • If we have time: Medical Bias Media


  • Your Midterm Projects are due next Tuesday, March 10!
    • Please be prepared to present on Tuesday. We will most likely use both Tuesday and some of Thursday for presentations.
    • I will check your blogs for your midterm posts immediately after class on March 10. If you post the midterm late, 2 midterm points will be deducted for each day of lateness.
    • You can continue to revise your blog posts, including your midterm, until March 15.
    • I will begin grading on March 16.
    • Reminder that you can use the class SSI Stats Sheet to cite statistics about the salient social identity you are researching.
    • Good luck!

Announcements: External

  • March 11 @ New School: New Narratives on the Peopling of America is a series of lectures and other public events with participants drawn from the academy, journalism, public affairs, and the arts. The Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility is pleased to welcome Mae Ngai, Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History at Columbia University, and Jack Tchen, Clement A Price Chair of Public History & Humanities at Rutgers University, to The New School to continue the New Narratives on the Peopling of America series