NYU D&T 2020 #5: Work Tech

Announcements for Class



  • Blog Post Revision, Due Thursday 2/13. Please add detail to your “Tech You’re Grappling With” blog post. Feel free to make a new post for this if you like. If you change your tech, be sure to change it in the class spreadsheet. Make sure that your post answers these questions:
    • WHAT is the name of the technology?
    • WHICH use sector category does this technology fall into: Medical, Work, School, Home, Social, Public/City, Political, etc.?
    • WHAT is a 1-2 sentence description of the technology?
    • WHY was the technology created?
    • WHO makes the technology? Name companies, research groups, individuals, etc.
    • WHO is the audience for the technology?
    • WHEN was/is the technology made? Briefly describe the historical timeline for this technology.
    • WHERE is the technology made?
    • WHERE is the technology used?
    • HOW is the technology used and/or made? You can use technical terminology if appropriate. You can also include links to technical documentation (e.g. datasheets) if appropriate.
    • DIVERSITY CONSIDERATIONS: Do you observe any issues of bias, or any other issues named in our class Keywords doc, that pertain to this technology?
  • Reading, Due Thursday 2/13. Please skim the Abridged Field Guide to Human Centered Design. We will use this guide in the coming weeks.
  • Blog Post, Due Tuesday 2/18. Choose ONE of the following prompts for your post:

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