NYU D&T 2020 #1: Baselines.



  • Introduction: Diversity. And. Technology. What are the consequences?
  • NYU Codes of Conduct [search and discussion]
  • Class agreements, codes and policies (good and bad), ground rules, and definitions: collaborative documents
  • Keywords and Terms
  • Syllabus


  1. Due Thursday 1/30: stop by the NYU Makerspace. Be prepared to discuss the possibility of making projects there.
  2. Due Tuesday 2/4 : Set up a blog (or add a “Diversity+Tech” section to your existing blog) and send the link to me at arlduc [at] nyu.edu. 
    • It doesn’t matter which blog service you use. 
    • NYU provides blog services and space: https://wp.nyu.edu
    • You can password protect your blog or specific blog posts if you do not want to share it outside of this course.
    • Please email me if you have further questions or concerns.
  3. Due Tuesday 2/4: Blog post #1. Introduce yourself:
    • What’s your name and major?
    • Why are you interested in Diversity and Technology?
    • Which field trips and guest speakers from last year most interest you? Can you suggest any other field trips or guest speakers?
    • Which book on the class syllabus most interests you?
    • Please suggest an additional book or resource for consideration on the class book list.
  4. Extra Credit: Read essays on Technology, Diversity. and one other keyword from Keywords for American Cultural Studies. Write a post on where they intersect––and where they don’t.