- Please make sure your video and paper (with bibliography) are posted NOW. For any Google Drive links, please double-check that I have permission to view the file.
- You can submit extra credit and updates to your final project until Thursday May 16 at 10AM. If you submit any updates between today and Thursday, please email me so I can be sure to check the updates.
- The Final Gradesheet can be viewed here. To get you your grades on time, I may not write verbose comments on your grade sheets unless it relates to penalties.
- Please fill out your Student Evaluation for this class. You can access them through NYU Albert.
- Email Signup List: I often see opportunities that might be relevant to former students, so I’m finally starting a mailing list for this. If you’d like to continue receiving occasional (monthly-ish) D&T announcements, please add your email to this list. It doesn’t have to be an NYU address.
- Student Evaluations, Email Signup, and Popcorn Making
- Final Videos
- If there’s time: Demos & Questions
- If there’s time: More Popcorn, Tips & Multimer
No New Assignments! Have A Great Summer!!!