NYU D&T Session 25: Visit to Brownsville Community Justice Center


  • For today’s (final!) field trip, WE WILL MEET IN THE CLASSROOM and leave together at 4:30 sharp for Brownsville Community Justice Center, 50 Belmont Ave, Brooklyn. We will visit BCJC’s tech lab and see some of their recent VR community work. As usual, if you’re running late and can’t find the group, please contact Prof A to avoid an unexcused lateness or absence.
  • Today is our last field trip. Wednesday’s class will be held in the classroom, and next Monday is our final class / final presentations.
  • Tandon Evaluation for this class: You will have time in class to complete your course evaluation today, May 8, and May 13.



  • Finish your final projects.
  • If you have any unexcused absences or latenesses, I strongly encourage you to complete extra credit assignment(s) and check with me about it.