- Slideshow from Joshua Ogure
- NYU Ally Week: upcoming One Zone trainings (note the Disability Zone training)
- Prototyping: NYU Software Options
- Poll for Final:
- Does anyone plan to pursue the writing-only option (and not build a prototype)?
- To ensure that we get to every project in our final class, I am leaning towards requiring a 2-5 minute explainer video instead of a presentation. Any thoughts/comments?
- If you are absent this week, please let me know your thoughts via email.
- Blog reminder: please keep updating your blog every week. The current assignment due on Wednesday 4/10 (making and documenting contact with someone in your target audience) is required as part of your final!
- Human-Centered Planning, continued. See the Session 16 post for more details.
- Preparation for Recurse Center. Review our Questions for External Speakers.
- REQUIRED blog post, due Wednesday April 10: Please finish the making and documenting contact with someone in your target audience assignment.
- Blog post, due Wednesday April 10: Review Recurse Center’s Diversity Policy and User’s Manual. Building on our “Good Codes / Not-so-good Codes” exercise, are there any sections in these Recurse Center documents that stand out as particularly good and/or not-so-good? Come to Wednesday’s class with questions.