Data Vis 2018.01: Examples, Histories, Tools.


While you’re waiting for class to begin, please take a look at the links as food for thought.


Next Week’s Assignments

  • BLOG: If you don’t have a blog already, set one up. Email me the blog URL by Thursday, Sept. 13 at 11 AM.
  • POST: Introduce yourself and your interests/goals for this class. Please also explain your thoughts for the potential toolkit (aka tech stack) that you’d like to use for this class. Phase 1 will be about exploring and solidifying your toolkit. See the assignment slideshow for “buffet” ideas. Your toolkit explanation should include:
    • names of your potential tools
    • justification of your choice
    • tool history and sociology
    • use cases and examples
    • constraints / challenges
    • discuss your tutorial process (see below)
  • TUTORIAL: Go through at least 1 tutorial for your tool(s). Discuss this in your first blog post (see above). Feel free to contact me if you need help selecting a tutorial.