NYU Ideation and Prototyping Session 04: Creation and Creators.


  • NBCUniversal Blockchain Prototyping Fellowship: Content Monetization. NYC-based students are invited to apply in and build new prototypes that can advance blockchain technologies for media. 
  • Black Writers in a Post-Obama America, Tuesday, February 27th. Join us for a panel discussion hosted by the Brooklyn Historical Society. This panel begs the question, does literature by black writers demand a response to the country’s racism? Especially today, is there an onus on writers of color to shine a spotlight on racial injustice? Hear from authors Kaitlyn Greenidge, Bernice McFadden, Garnette Cadogan, and Quincy Troupe in a discussion moderated by novelist and Distinguished Professor at Hunter College, Elizabeth Nunez. A reception will precede the panel discussion. The reception will begin at 5:30 pm and the program will begin at 6:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served. To RSVP, please call 212-998-2400 or fill out the online form.
  • NYU Center for the Humanities Events Calendar
  • Tandon Makerspace: DFA Intro to Design Thinking.


  • Remix Exercise
  • Module 3
  • Project 1 Groups
  • Break
  • Module 4
  • Collaborative Exercise
    • why
    • question for collaborator
    • theme
    • process
    • Groups:
      • 1. Share your post-its
      • 2. Discuss any further questions and issues. E.g.
        • Do you want to stick with this creator?
        • Do you need to narrow it down?
        • What aspect of the creator’s creative process might you focus on?
      • Share your creator-related web site post. The 2+ sources, and the moodboard sketch.
      • Put together a collaborative moodboard.

Assignments Due Next Friday, February 23

  • Watch or listen to one of the following pairs:
  • Post
    • Write your response to the Metal Gear Solid documentaries OR the Making Oprah podcast episodes. Do not write summaries. In other words, do not regurgitate. Discuss any epiphanies or insights that occurred while watching, compare and contrast the process of the two videos or episodes, how it reflects your own process (or does not and why) or how it will inform or change your own process (or will not and why).
    • Your constant input assignment (if applicable this week)
    • Post a few more notes on your Creator:
      • Iterations or new updates to your Annotated Bibliography.
      • Post a picture and reflect on the combined moodboard you developed with your classmate collaborator(s).
      • Sketch out a quick storyboard of either
        • 3 images drawn by you (with text explanations)
        • 3 short paragraphs of text written by you