Data Vis Session 9: Tangible Media, Hololens, MindRider, GIS + 3D



6:30-7:30 Austin Lee, CMU/Microsoft
7:30-8:00 Class updates
8:00-8:10 Break

8:10-9:20 MindRider, QGIS, three.js


3D GIS Examples
Data and Tutorials
Other WebGL libraries

Assignment for Next Week

  1. Finish one of today’s visualization exercises or start your own. Some ideas:
    • Visualize the provided MindRider data with 3D buildings.
    • VIsualize 3D buildings with another point-based dataset from NYC Open Data.
    • Use the QGIS2threejs documentation to visualize a Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
    • Use Jennifer Sta. Ines’s tutorial to conduct a simple statistical analysis in QGIS.
  2. Finals are due in about a month. The requirements will be similar to midterms, with a possible simple analysis component. Start thinking about it!
  3. Install R in preparation for next week’s class. Download this sample stats file.