Data Vis Session 3: ProPublica visit.



  • 4:30-6:00- ProPublica
  • 6:00-7:20- check-ins and prep for next week

Next Week’s Assignments

  • Please sign up ASAP for a NYSCI tour slot. Taking this tour on October 20 is required for class (unless you have already checked with me about an excused absence).
  • Email me a link to your data set for the Phase 1 project. In order to use the data set for your project, I must approve it by September 29. Alternatively, you can use a pre-approved dataset on this list.
  • Start working on your Phase 1 project. We will discuss your progress briefly next week. Project requirements are here.
  • Take a look at the tools on and be prepared to ask a few questions of next week’s guest speaker.