Data Vis Session 11: Interaction/Geo/Vis, Tangible Visualization, Fab, Play!

Announcements Kevin Miklasz sent a few more R notes. Final Requirements are now posted. Let me know if you have questions. Dec 3’s class will have a lot of work/feedback time in preparation for Dec 10. If you want to follow-along with today’s Arduino/Processing visualization tutorial, install the software listed on the tutorial page. Agenda […]

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Follow-up Notes on R Tutorial

From our R expert (R-xpert?) Kevin Miklasz. Thanks Kevin! Here is a link to an expanded sample file that shows some common functions I use, and is mostly focused on some graphing parameters I use a lot (at the bottom of the script). None of the graphing functions will work as they use data sets that […]

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Tutorial: Twitter Visualization via Arduino

For this week’s class, you can experiment visualizing a Twitter livestream by connecting Peiqi Su’s penis modules and other output device, to an Arduino. I’ve included sample code below and will expand this tutorial for those who are interested. The tutorial will assume basic understanding of Arduino and Processing, particularly installing libraries and differentiating between digital and […]

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Data Vis Session 10: Informal Learning Networks, Participatory Cultures, R, Simple Statistical Analysis

Announcements Global Action Project seeks a Media History Timeline Coordinator to use Timeline.js with youth, as well as an Immigrant Video Youth coordinator. To start immediately! If you haven’t already, Install R. Download this sample stats file. Final Requirements are now posted. Let me know if you have questions. Agenda 6:30-7:30 Rafi Santos, Indiana University / Mozilla Hive […]

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Data Vis Final Requirements

Final, due December 10 Note: Evaluation keywords are highlighted in orange.  Develop an interactive visualization(s) of a significant dataset for a general audience with no previous knowledge of the data. If the visualization is online, it should be deployed on a standalone web page—do not use code playgrounds like JSFiddle or Codepen. The visualization should employ introductory text […]

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Data Vis Session 9: Tangible Media, Hololens, MindRider, GIS + 3D

Announcements Download QGIS and (from QGIS) QGIS2threejs Obfuscation: A User’s Guide for Privacy and Protest Agenda 6:30-7:30 Austin Lee, CMU/Microsoft 7:30-8:00 Class updates 8:00-8:10 Break 8:10-9:20 MindRider, QGIS, three.js Links 3D GIS Examples MindRider 3D data visualizations: test01 (just downtown) test02 (all of Manhattan) test03 (just downtown, with color-coded buildings) test04 (downtown with attention-meditation data) test05 (all of Manhattan with […]

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Tutorial: Visualizing MindRider data in 3D using QGIS and QGIS2threejs

Here’s a link to the live visualization. And good news: this tutorial involves no coding! Background More soon. For now, you can learn about MindRider helmet and data at their respective web sites. Getting Started Download QGIS and install (from QGIS) the QGIS2threejs plugin. Obtain this tutorial’s data, which includes these vector shapefiles: a MindRider sample dataset (800 […]

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Made in the Machine Class Description

Made in the Machine: New cultural practices, critical analyses, and techniques in digital fabrication, making, and manufacturing Recent innovations in digital fabrication have made its technologies much more cheap, sophisticated, and accessible for people of many ages and experiences. In this class we will explore some of these innovations, the techniques and affordances that they […]

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