Favorite works from the archives, dating back to 1999. Party over oops out of time.

three-D Old Reel (2008, 3 min)
Stemcell (2007, 3.17 min)
Voyageurs du Ciel (2006, 3.5 min)
Blastocyst (2006, 12.5 min)
Moss (2004-5, 2.5 min)
MaxGland (interactive, 2003, 30 sec)
The Penetrating Needle (2002)
__PartA (1 min)
__PartB (4 min)
__PartC (3 min)
EarComp (2002, 1 min)
Head of Hair (2001, 2 min)

scibull Human Footprint (2007)
Gamma Ray Bursts (2007)
Stem Cells(2007)
Invasive Species (2007)
Earth's Seasonal Plant Growth (2006)
Yellowstone (2006)
Sloan Digital Sky Survey (2005)

two-D Hambone (2002)
Lypsinka (2002)
Kit Marlowe (2002)
Wonderland Alice (2001)
Trudy Blue (2001)
Prometheus (2002)
Original Kaon Na Splash (2000)

Video NeckFace (2004, 5 m)
BED (2003)
Gland-->Orifice (2002, 1 min)
My Nights With April (2001)
__excerpt01 (1.5 min)
__excerpt02 (35 sec)
__excerpt03 (2 min)
__excerpt04 (1 min)
__excerpt05 (1 min)

Images Old Portfolio
Philippines (2007)
NeckFace: Photo (2004)

scripts EarthTile (2008)
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (2005)
Constellations In Space (2005)
Constellations In Time (2005)
Main Belt Asteroids (2005)
Near-Earth Objects (2005)
Future Close Approaches (2005)
Past Close Approaches (2005)
SDSS (2006)

misc writings Alex Galaxy: Eccentric Hero (2003)
3 Influential Peoples (2001)
A note to the WMATA (1999)

Sound NeckFace(2004)
__Part01 (3 min)
__Part02 (3 min)
__Part03 (1 min)
__Part04 (1 min)
__Part05 (1.5 min)
DuckOfUrgency (2003, 5.5 min)
FavoriteToy (2002, 2.5 min)
PossessionQuote (2002, 47 sec)
potGlassSpoon (2002, 4 min)
glurgle (2002, 3 min)
STRAND:1 (2001)
__Part02 (10.5 min)
__Part03 (11.5 min)
__Part04 (10 min)
__Part05 (11.5 min)
Jabberwocky (2001, 3 min)
SKIN (2000, 11.5 min)
EXULT (1999, 4.5 min)
BATTER (1998, 7 min)
Salome (1997, 3.5 min)
Have You Seen My Pants (1996, 3 min)

art essays The Cabinet's Latest Curio (2007)
Rumi (2007, scroll down!)
NeckFace: Context (2004)
NeckFace: Word (2004)
Arachnes Of Our Time (2003)
Liberated Architectures (2003)
Video Quartet (2003)
The Adventures of Josie True (2003)
Bitter Nigger Broadcast Network (2003)
The Penetrating Needle (2002)

sci essays The Cabinet's Latest Curio (2007)
BiDil, A-HeFT (2005)
Asia Cloning (2005)
PCR (2005)
HGP (2005)
Golden Rice (2005)

music essays Post/Modern Paradigms (2002)
Litanies of Satan (2001)
NoaNoa (unfinished, 2001)
Plum Blossom (2000)
Science Fiction Music (2000)
Wozzeck (1999)

film/theatre essays The Night Porter (2001)
Romance, Senses (2001)
2001 (2000)
Alphaville (2000)
Copenhagen (2000)
Quiz Show (2000)
Vertigo (2000)

lit essays The Trial (2001)
Bloodchild (2000)
My Traitor's Heart (1999)